Gefran 40T: Temperatue Indicator with Alarm, 96x48
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The Gefran 40T96 configurable indicator / Alarm unit, format 96x48:
Widely used in industry for general process monitoring involving transmitters (4…20mA, 0…10V) and temperature sensors.
The large display makes the digits legible at considerable distance.

  • Faceplate configurable input
  • Protected by a personal code
  • Configurable by a serial link
  • Transmitter power supply incorporated
  • Custom thermocouple linearisation available
  • Internal linearisation for engineering units
  • Labels provided for the more common physical units
  • Sampling time and trip intervention programmable between 15 and 120msec with resolution between 4000 and 16000 steps
  • Retransmission of the measured variable signal
  • 4 trip points completely configurable from keyboard
  • RS485 optically isolated serial line
  • Rapid configuration from PC with Winstrum package
  • CE & RoHS certified

Gefran 40T-96 Indicator with Alarm

Gefran 40T indicators offer exceptional versatility due to the wide selection of sensor input options, functions and hardware configuration. Input type, alarm types and the function of the keys on the faceplate are software selectable. Retransmission output and digital communication facilitate easy interface with supervisory systems and SCADA applications.The large display makes the digits legible at considerable distance.
Input configuration is software selectable. For other indicators choose from:

  • 40A series: 20mAac, 50mAac 200mAac, 1Aac, 5Aac, 2Vac, 20Vac, 200Vac, 500Vac
  • 40B series: strain gauge (autoranging between 1.5 to 3.3mV/V), Potentiometer
  • 40F series: Frequency, inductive, capacitive (Namur, 2/3 wire), encoder, mircorswitch, 30-500Vac


  • Choose from a wide range of software selectable inputs.
  • Connect your input device (4-20mA transmitter, loadcell…) directly the 24V/10V on-board supply.
  • Reset maximum/minimum register or "zero" the input via keys on the faceplate.
  • Trigger pre-configured functions via remote switch.
  • Use the "flash" function to read product and freeze during gaps on continuous production lines.
  • For system testing during commissioning use the keys on the faceplate to activate the alarm outputs.


Microprocessor based indicator in both 96x48 (1/8 DIN) format manufactured with SMT. The instrument have a lexan membrane faceplate (guaranteed to IP65) which has 3 keys, a 3 / 4 digit display format, and 3 indicating LED's for the output statuses. The input signal can be selected from a wide range of sensors:

  • Thermocouples of type J, K, R, S, T, B, E, N, L GOST, U, G, D, C
  • Resistance thermometers Pt100, Pt100J (japanese standard) 2 / 3 wire
  • PTC and NTC themistors
  • Linear inputs 0 to 60/12 to 60mV, 0 to 20/4 to 20mA, 0 to 10/2 to 10/0 to 5/1 to 5/0 to 1/0, 2 to1V

The selection is made using the faceplate keys. The instrument is available in version base, with two outputs to relé (2R), and expandible version. The instruments have a maximum of 4 outputs that can be mechanical relays (5A,250Vac/30Vdc cos?=1) or logic outputs (0 to 11Vdc). A digital input (24Vdc/5mA) is available (for resetting, hold, flash, peak handling or releasing latch) and one output of 0...10V, 0/4 to 20mA (max. 500) is available for retranmitting the measured input signal.

The retransmission output, the digital input and the third output are available contemporaneously. The serial communication option (available in RS485 standard) allows connection to supervision systems and PLCs with two protocols: GEFRAN CENCAL and MODBUS RTU.

Finally, a triac can be fitted (as an alternative to the output 1) to drive resistive loads up to a maximum of 1A at 240V. The programming of the instrument is made easy by grouping the parameters in function blocks (CFG for the alarm hysteresis, Inp for the inputs, Out for the outputs...) and by a simplified data entry menu.

The configuration can be simplified even further using the PC programming kit made up of a connection cable and a menu guide program that runs under Windows . A configurable personal software protection code (password protection) can be used to restrict the levels of editing and displaying the configuration parameters.

Sensor Inputs: 
Number of inputs:1
Thermocouples:J, K, T, E, N, S, R, B, LGost, U, G, D, C, custom
with scales ºC or ºF (IEC 584)
Resistance Thermometers:Pt 100 DIN43710 (3-wire), Pt 100 Japan, custom
Thermistors:PTC, NTC (1K/25ºC), custom
Linear:0...20 mA, 4...20 mA, 0...60 mV, 0...1 V, 0...5 V, 0...10 V
Sampling time:120 - 60 - 30 - 15 msec
Precision:0.2%± 1 digit
Digital input:Optoisolated passive PNP isolated 1500 V
Maximum number of outputs:4
Relay:max. 5 A, 250 V resistive load
Alarm units, alarms, on / off control
Logic:24V (10V min / 20mA max)
Alarm units, alarms, on / off control
Analog:0...10V, 4...20 mA (Rmax = 500?) res. 12 bit not isolated
Retransmission of variable
Transmitter power supply:24 Vdc ± 10% non- stabilized, 50 mA 15Vdc for transmitter,
50 mA 1,2 V for potentiometer
Power supply:11...27 Vac/dc, 100...240 Vac/dc; ± 10% 50/60 Hz
Digital communication:RS485, 1200...19200 baud
Faceplate protection level:IP 65
Working temperature:0 to 50ºC
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