Temperature, mA, Vdc Indicators
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Gefran 4/40 range & Define Instruments process indicators
Main advantages of our range of temperature & process indicators:
- High ʺsample timeʺ and resolution levels
- Flexible & easy operation, ideal for process monitoring
- Easy setup from keyboard and by PC
- Compactness, variety of standard formats
- Configuration of all popular industrial sensors
(thermocouples, resistance thermometers, PTC, NTC, linears, custom, potentiometers, strain-gauges, VAC, VDC, frequency),
Temperature, mA, Vdc Indicators Browse our catalogues & add products of interest to your "enquiry list" to get a quote or
contact us to discuss your requirements.
contact us to discuss your requirements.
- Ideal for process monitoring involving transmitters (4…20mA, 0…10V)
and temperature sensors - Preferred in applications with limited space.
- 48x48 format
- Exceptional versatility
- Wide selection of sensor input options, functions and hardware configuration
- 72x36 format
- Ideal for process monitoring involving transmitters (4…20mA, 0…10V)
and temperature sensors - Large display
- 96x48 format
- temperature sensors, thermocouples (J,K,T,R,S…), RTD (Pt100, Pt1000…),
- thermistors, analog
0(4)-20mA, 0(2)-10VDC - transmitters
(4…20mA, 0…10V)
- 4…20mA, 0…10V transmitters & temperature sensors
- wide selection of sensor input options, functions
- configurable indicator,
format 72x436
- transmitters (4…20mA, 0…10V) and temperature sensors
- large display
- configurable indicator / Alarm unit, format 96x48
- Thermocouple probe types
(B-type, J-type, K-type, N-type, R-type, S-type or T-type TC sensors) - 5 buttons, 4 setpoint indicator LED's (R4 & R4A only)
- 20mm LED display, 4 digits
- high accuracy temperature & alarm control indicator designed for RTD probes
- 5 buttons, 4 setpoint indicator LED's (R4 & R4A only)
- 20mm LED display, 4 digits
- general purpose controller,
5 buttons, 4 setpoint indicator LED's - simple (key-in) calibration removes the need for an input signal
- general purpose controller/ indicator
- ideal for all process applications. Simple (key-in) calibration removes the need for an input signal.
- ideal for applications where instant, visual indication of the process variable is required:
- E.g. level measurement or rate movement indication.
Applications & Features of our range of Temperature Indicators

- Plastic extrusion machines and lines
- Melt pressures and temperature, speed
- Weighing systems
- Test benches
- Wood- and marble-working machines
- Rolling press lines
- Faceplate configurable input
Ease of operation
- Choose from a wide range of software selectable inputs.
- Connect your input device (4-20mA transmitter, loadcell…)
directly to the 24V/10V on-board supply. - Reset maximum/minimum register or "zero" the input via keys on the faceplate.
- Trigger pre-configured functions via remote switch.
- Use the "flash" function to read product and freeze during gaps on continuous production lines.
- For system testing during commissioning use the keys on the faceplate to activate the alarm outputs.
GEFRAN 40A | 40B | 40T | 40F range of indicators
Gefran 40 series indicators offer exceptional versatility due to the wide selection of sensor input options, functions and hardware configuration. Input type, alarm types and the function of the keys on the faceplate are software selectable. Retransmission output and digital communication facilitate easy interface with supervisory systems and SCADA applications. Input configuration is software selectable.
There are four indicator input options to choose from:- 40A series: 20mAac, 50mAac 200mAac, 1Aac, 5Aac, 2Vac, 20Vac, 200Vac, 500Vac
- 40B series: strain gauge (autoranging between 1.5 to 3.3mV/V), potentiometer
- 40T series: Thermocouples (J,K,T,R,S…), RTD (Pt100, Pt1000…), thermistors, analog 0(4)-20mA, 0(2)-10VDC
- 40F series: Frequency, inductive, capacitive (Namur, 2/3 wire), encoder, microswitch, 30-500Vac
Contact us: Process Indication Temperature, mA, Vdc Indicators